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ABSTRAK Muhammad Raditya Dwiprasta
PUBLIC Dewi Supryati

PT X is an subsidiary of an international company engaged in the automotive field with the task of producing motorcycle parts. Cast wheel is one of the main products produced by PT X using the die casting manufacturing process. For the die casting activity, the company set zero stop and zero defect as targets to be achieved. To achieve this target, the company established a Mold Maintenance Division whose job was to ensure that the molds used in the die casting process were able to withstand up to 5000 shots. However, until now the molds used are still broke down during production, so the Mold Maintenance Division needs to do minor repairs when the mold is installed in the machine. Under these conditions, the Mold Maintenance Division developed a new maintenance approach, namely preventive maintenance that can maintain mold-worthy conditions before troubles occur. The Mold Maintenance Division wants preventive maintenance carried out not on all molds used but only on molds that have troubles recorded. Therefore, in this research design of preventive maintenance application on molds was carried out using the decision tree method. The design is done by looking at troubles historical data on the mold owned by the Mold Maintenance Division. The data is processed to be ready for use in the Orange Canvas application which is useful in building decision tree models. Using the same application, an evaluation of the previously produced model is also carried out. Based on the model evaluation, the company did not use the entire troubles model as a decision support but only used decision tree model for broken gates, soldering, sticky products, and high points with NG precision performance of 86.7%, 70.6%, 93.5% and 69.0 % also the performance of NG call backs are 56.5%, 52.2%, 74.4%, and 45.0% respectively. These troubles will receive preventive maintenance activities based on the results of the decision tree model as a decision support for the company. To support the activities of making and applying the model, prototyping is done in this research. The prototype has functions related to modeling activities such as data input, data processing, and receive output from Orange Canvas. With the prototype, the recording of troubles is better, the company is easier to process data, and other supporting functions in decision making. With the existence of models and prototypes in this research, the Mold Maintenance Division will be closer in applying the preventive maintenance approach to molds that are used during production.