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COVER Muhammad Ilham Adhynugraha
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

BAB 1 Muhammad Ilham Adhynugraha
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 2 Muhammad Ilham Adhynugraha
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 3 Muhammad Ilham Adhynugraha
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 4 Muhammad Ilham Adhynugraha
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

BAB 5 Muhammad Ilham Adhynugraha
Terbatas  Alice Diniarti
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

PUSTAKA Muhammad Ilham Adhynugraha
PUBLIC Alice Diniarti

One of methods that are being used widely lately for optimization need is Genetic Algorithm or GA. This method adapted the mechanism of biology mechanism involving natural selection. With many advantages it has, numerical simulation of an airfoil with ground influence is attempted to be coupled with Genetic Algorithm to get better lift alteration. Study focused on developing the program of Genetic Algorithm and Aerodynamic with ground effect condition. Coupling of both programs giving a good result that the shape of airfoil would be changes to provide better properties of aerodynamic. Consideration of coupled program will involve objective function, parameter setting, constraints, and the performance of computer. The whole components contribute to generate appropriate solution of optimization in aerodynamic domain as well.