digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

A volcano eruption is one of a geophysical natural phenomenon that can endanger human life especially people who live in disaster-prone areas. The danger of volcano eruption came from volcanic ash, lava flow, sulfur gas and landslides which can cause property damage, farmland damage, injuries, and casualties. Residents hazard preparedness can reduce the number of damage, injury, and casualties caused by a volcano eruption. In many cases, hazard preparedness has relation with risk perception because risk perception can influence and determine how people react to certain risk and danger, especially danger that came from a volcano eruption. Understanding residents risk perception can be useful for stakeholders in formulating disaster risk reduction strategy. Mount Bromo is one of the mountains at Tengger mountain complex in Indonesia which has an active crater. The mountain is located in East Java Province and administratively belongs to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TN-BTS). Mount Bromo is located in East Java Province, Indonesia with the highest point is 2,329 m and the coordinates 7°56'30"SL 112°57'00"EL. Mount Bromo is active volcano which is surrounded by sea sand and the crater can be climbed and visited and become a tourist attraction. There are four districts surrounding Bromo Mountain which are Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang, and Lumajang. These four districts suffer the biggest impact when Bromo erupts and this research concentrated only in Pasuruan District area. Tosari is a district in Pasuruan District which is located near Mount Bromo get impact from Bromo eruption directly. Tosari district located at 7.30’ – 8.30’ South Latitude and 112030’ – 113030’ East Longitude with total area 85.73 km2. Tosari sub-district is one of the districts which is categorized as a district with high volcano eruption hazard in Pasuruan District This research uses quantitative methods based on inductive approach. Inductive approach is used to determine the condition certain phenomena of people to develop a general conclusion, therefore the research design is correlational research. The ii Correlation between different variables is used to determine the resident's risk perception and residents involvement in community activities which is related to hazard adjustment and involvement in the community. Correlation between demographic characteristics such as gender, age and educational background with other variables are being analyzed using a statistical test to determine the significance of the variables. Questionnaire distribution to residents of Tosari residents for collecting residents gender, age, education, hazard experiences, community activities, disaster information, disaster training and hazard preparedness. Most residents had experience with volcano eruption more than one eruption time or year and eruption duration more than four weeks, but the highest impact of the eruption is farmland damage and there were no property damage, family member loss or injured. There is a belief for people surrounding Mount Bromo that the eruption never brings harm to people surrounding the mountain. Even though ash fall from the eruption brings damage to farmland, people believed that the ash will bring fertility to the farmland in years to come. Meanwhile, information about disaster especially volcano activities is an important factor for resident surrounding Mount Bromo, nevertheless not all residents have the willingness to collect disaster information initiative. Recognition and involvement in community activity are one of the variables which are influence residents risk perception. Tosari resident recognition on community meeting is high, but residents’ recognition on disaster discussion on community meeting is low, on the other hand, recognition of the disaster-related community activities is high. A resident of Tosari also have low participation on disaster response training even though recognition on the training not so low, this situation influence by local belief about eruption do not bring harm. Furthermore, most residents confess that they have knowledge of action need to take when the eruption happens even though residents have low recognition and low participation in disaster response training. As part of hazard preparedness, residents also confess that they also have knowledge if living in evacuation shelter although not all residents have the willingness to move temporarily to evacuation shelter when volcano eruption happens. In conclusion, demographic characteristics related with risk perception and even though there is a relationship between demographic characteristic and risk perception, not all demographic characteristic have a correlation with variables that influence risk perception