digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Perpustakaan Prodi Arsitektur

Hungary’s economically and socially peripheral regions that are nonetheless rich in natural potential and natural capital, appear as well–defined segments of domestic regional development. In these areas, the extent and quality of the natural environment can be defined as dormant capital, which is currently not used sufficiently to sustain local livelihoods either fully or partially. This natural potential represents a value that we must treat in a respectful, sustainable way and use it in a wise, conscious approach (without exploitation) to help preserve the community of a given settlement. Appropriate attitudes and commitment are often present in local civil societies and local NGO’s. These small, motivated communities can, with their untiring perseverance, attract funding sources into the regions, cooperate with local governments, and add their own human capacity so that the natural environment should be regarded valuable at the level of the settlement, and its resources should be used in a careful manner.