digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Resti Andriani

Under the high in-situ stress environment in deep mines, stress and strain energy will be released after blasts. The ranges of rock mass deformation and fracture are closely related to the mining parameters. In this work, a highprecision MS technique and laser-scanning instrument were used to monitor the entire mining process in a typical deep stope. Each blasting process strongly disturbed the surrounding rock mass and induced a great of cracks. The stress and deformation calculated from the MS data offer useful information on stress and deformation for evaluating the rock mass stability and can reflect differences in the integrity and deterioration degree of different areas of the rock mass. MS parameters including the amount of MS events, energy released, volume of displacement and stress redistribution have a high linear dependence on the volume of ore mined out. Using qualitative analysis, mining sequences and blasting parameters optimization via the equivalent stress calculated from MS data can reduce the rock mass overbreak and underbreak, i.e., ore dilution and loss, and also reduce explosive consumption and blasting vibration, which are beneficial for maintaining rock mass stability.