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Myung-Gong Park.pdf
PUBLIC Noor Pujiati.,S.Sos

Myung-Gong Park27116701.pdf
PUBLIC Noor Pujiati.,S.Sos

PUBLIC Noor Pujiati.,S.Sos

Korea has been known for its technology and automobile exports, and since then it has been known around the world for K-wave. Through K-wave, people have become more interested in Korean culture, and cultural value has increased. In particular, through Korean songs, drama, and social networking, people follow Korean fashion, make - up ways and cosmetics, see the art performances and follow their dances and songs, and travel to cultural places with traditional beauty such as Gyeongbok palace, Jeonju, Hanok Village(Korean traditional houses village) where Korean travels in Korea. Hanbok is Korean traditional costume. Many people wear or rent hanbok and go around hanok village or Gyeongbok palace these days. This is also the way to announce the Korean traditional Hanbok in the world. The composition hanbok is basically jeogori, pants, vest/magoja and durumagi for man and jeogori, skirt, and durumagi for woman. Hanbok is also attracting attention from many designers around the world. It is often seen that some fashion shows are held for a few years ago with collection inspired by Hanbok. Daily or living hanbok which keeps the beauty of traditional hanbok and it is easier to wear and comfortable in modern society, is popular among young people these days. Daily or living hanbok does not have to wear the top and bottom together, and it is well mix-match with other clothes. Indonesia has huge population and the land is wide so the culture is slightly different in each region but is one of the countries attracting attention in the world because economic growth is rapidly rising due to investment and domestic demand. Cirebon, one of Indonesia's provinces, is a coastal region and has been influenced by Chinese culture. Since ancient times, China and Korea had frequent cultural exchanges because of war, invasion, or supporting relations. For that reason, Chinese culture has many similarities with Korean culture. Batik is one of the best-known cultures in Indonesia, that using waxes and canting tool to draw patterns on fabric and it was assigned to UNESCO, and there is batik day in Indonesia. But nowadays, printing is used to make batik fabric. Cirebon batik can be seen influenced by Chinese culture and Chinese patterns are depicted on Batik fabric. Among them banji patterns are often found in Korean traditional patterns. Banji pattern is also known as swastika pattern and can be found all over the world, including the eastern world and Southeast Asia. Swastika has a negative meaning due to a history of Europe which is Nazism, but most countries have a positive meaning as well-being or existence of good and some are influenced by Buddhism. Swastika appears as different meaning, importance and understanding in each of the countries. Swastika is known as ‘wan’ in China and ‘man’ in Korea. From these similarity cultures in different countries shows a chance to make some fusion cultural products. In this study, design a new batik fabric by combined Cirebon batik banji pattern and Korean traditional pattern from the two countries, and make a hanbok which is attracting attention in many countries around the world. Through the questionnaire, get opinions from Indonesian and Korean who are living in Indonesia about the Hanbok which combined the patterns of the two countries and based on this, it will help to inform Indonesian culture to the world.