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PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

PUBLIC Yoninur Almira

Decentralization which is applied in Indonesia since 1999 has resulted in significant changes in many sectors, politic, economic, social, and environment. However, there are few studies tried to determine the implication of this policy from environmental perspective especially ecosystem services concept. The goal of this study is trying to understand the implication of decentralization policy in Indonesia within an environmental point of view which is the land use dynamics and ecosystem service values (ESV) of the region using South East Sulawesi Province as a case study. The results show that there are some significant changes in the growth/loss rate of the primary land cover class after decentralization applied. Agriculture land, built-up area, and bare land/open land increase significantly comparing the growth rate before decentralization, while forest area got significant loss rate after decentralization. In addition, this study also tried to determine spatial dynamics in term of regional proliferation/regional split which is one of the forms of decentralization in Indonesia. Results show that regional proliferation/regional split could accelerate the rate of changes for the built-up area, agricultural land, and forest area. From perspective ecosystem, this study also analyzed the dynamics of ecosystem service value (ESV) of the region before and after decentralization. Based on the statistical test, it is obvious that there are significant differences in the spatial changes in the study area between the period before and after decentralization. In addition, this study also reveals that there is a significant loss of ESV after decentralization. From 1990 to 2000 (before decentralization) the value of ecosystem services loss about US$ 99 Million and then from 2000 to 2010 (after decentralization) the loss of ESV became higher which was accounted for about US$ 175 million. From this perspective, it can be said that there is an indication decentralization has a negative implication for the degradation of ecosystem services.