digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

From the 2010 OHSAS 18001 audit and certification, several gaps or non-compliances to the PTFI OH&S system implementation (FRESH) were found. The root cause analysis showed that the gaps are due to lack of OH&S knowledge sharing between management staffs, lack of skill and competency of the OH&S experts and lack of staff's commitment to OH&S goal and OH&S culture. The final project started with determining the hierarchy of every necessary OH&S meetings referred to FRESH management system. Followed by conducting personal audit to all management staffs, observing each personnel's involvement in a particular meeting and their attendance to the meeting. This personal audit's result is then related to the gaps found in OHSAS 18001 audit, and found several relationships. After being analyzed from the view of Knowledge Management, the bottleneck occurred in the level of Middle Management Staff that blocked the knowledge sharing process from Top to Low level of management staff, beside the issue of lack of competency of the OH&S experts as the facilitator and lack of safety culture and unclear safety goal being established. As the solution, a business plan is suggested to implement in the level of departmental (functional strategy), divisional (business strategy) and companywide (corporate strategy) that majority regulate the obligation to conduct the necessary meetings supported with improved skill of meeting members to conduct conducive meetings, adequate condition of meeting facilities and technologies. Other suggestions are to provide the adequate number and skillful competent OH&S experts in the level of company, divisional and departmental, as well as to reinforce the commitment of management staff as the leaders to achieve the clear OH&S goal and implement OH&S culture within each of his/her respective working area.