Abstrak - Rizky Dassa
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Terbatas  Irwan Sofiyan
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is an advanced technique utilized in the field of material
mechanics to measure deformations by systematically comparing images taken pre-deformation
and post-deformation. DIC can meticulously ascertain the spatial variations in displacements
through its algorithm. DIC offers a non-contact approach to measure deformations across an
entire surface, contrasting with contact methods like LVDTs which provide localized
deformation measurements at specific contact points. This non-intrusive method facilitates a
comprehensive measurement, thus ensuring detailed and accurate readings in a short time.
In the past few years, the Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of Institut
Teknologi Bandung has successfully created and developed a 2D DIC software which equipped
with SURF (Speeded-up Robust Features), a feature detection and matching algorithm and an
iterative algorithm, RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus), which is utilized for identifying
outliers from a set of data points. However, real-world deformations are in a three-dimensional
realm and measuring deformation in three-dimensions is crucial because they provide insights
into hidden deformations that can significantly affect material and structural integrity.
Neglecting these displacements could lead to incomplete analysis and potential oversight of
critical stress points or failure mechanisms.
This project aims to develop a Stereo DIC system utilizing SURF and RANSAC
algorithms that has been used in the 2D DIC. Two cameras utilized to capture object deformation
images from different angles. These images are reconstructed to pinpoint a 3D cloud point from
both cameras which then used to map the displacement between images. The developed stereo
DIC have successfully measure an out-of-plane deformation with a small error percentage.