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18217014 Resha Puspita Dewi.pdf
Terbatas  Dessy Rondang Monaomi
» Gedung UPT Perpustakaan

In 2016, the National Library of Indonesia (Perpusnas RI) initiated a digital library application called "iPusnas" as an effort to cultivate reading interest among the public and shift the public's reading pattern to a digital form [1]. The iPusnas application has become a relevant innovation from Perpusnas to reach a wide range of people and equalize reading access for those who cannot visit Perpusnas directly. Based on desk research conducted on the "Ratings & Reviews" column of the iPusnas application on Play Store on May 12, 2022, many users still feel dissatisfied with the current condition of the iPusnas application. It was found that the most common reason for this dissatisfaction was related to the user experience (UX) of the iPusnas application. It was mentioned that the interface of the current iPusnas application is considered old-fashioned or not in line with current design trends. To support the wide use of the iPusnas application by the public, this study is compiled to find a design solution that can address the user experience problems of the application using a Design Thinking approach. The design solution in this study, formed as a high-fidelity prototype. The high-fidelity prototype is tested on the iPusnas application users using a number of metrics, including the System Usability Scale (SUS) and the Net Promoter Score (NPS). The results of this study show that the SUS score of the design has a higher score compared to the current iPusnas application, which is 86.73, while the current iPusnas application has an SUS score of 77.43. In addition, the design solution is also tested to determine the level of user loyalty in voluntarily recommending iPusnas using the NPS. The NPS score of the current version of the iPusnas application is 60.36 and 62 for the tested high-fidelity prototype. This score shows an improvement in the user's satisfying aspect towards the design solution worked on in this study.