ABSTRAK Ghozyan Maududi
PUBLIC Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
Developing a good well starts with making good plans. In order to make a good plan, we have to understand our reservoir. This will help us prepare for both the production and future development. This includes choosing the appropriate production methods, tools, equipment, and materials to safely produce the well with efficient cost. Therefore, it is important to perform a well test to understand the reservoir properties.
Well test is conducted to analyze the reservoir. The test analysis determines the reservoir properties, assesses the degree of damage or stimulation, and identifies potential production problems. The longer the testing duration and the higher the number of well tested, the more information we can get. However, this also means more money and time will be allocated for the tests. Having a sufficient but not excessive test duration is needed to appraise more with less cost.
This study discusses pressure transient analysis and evaluating the testing time in Well “X”. This analysis consists of determining the period reached during the tests and the wellbore storage, skin, and permeability of the reservoir. Lastly, this study gives a recommendation for future well tests for new wells in the same field.