Terbatas Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
In past decades, many attempts have been made to use water-soluble polymers as a mobility control agent to improve the sweep efficiency of enhanced oil recovery process using nanotechnology. By expanding nanotechnology, nanoparticles can be utilized as stability, thickening, and rheology control agents in many polymer solutions. In this study, nanosilica is added to hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) to observe the effect of nanoparticles on viscosity with different concentrations by analyzing the viscosity data of the NPs-Polymer sample and to see the compatibility of the NPs-Polymer application with X Field based on the mobility ratio analysis of the oil sample and the NPs-Polymer solution.
The results of this study indicate that the addition effect of nanosilica which is used as nanoparticles to the polymer causes an increase in viscosity because nanosilica can reach more sweep zones so that, when combined with polymers it will help the effectiveness of the sweep zone. Based on the mobility ratio calculation, the NPs-Polymer solution can also be applied to the X field because the mobility of the NPs-Polymer is smaller than the mobility of the oil sample in the X field which causes the oil sample to be more easily replaced by NPs-Polymer.