Terbatas Suharsiyah
Terbatas Suharsiyah
This study will simulate CO2 fracture-to-fracture flooding in achieving optimal production in Shale Oil Reservoir using Compositional Simulation. The CO2 fracture-to-fracture flooding method can be a solution to simulates the performance of well with low permeability characteristics. In contrast to conventional reservoirs, the presence of fracture networks is often undesirable, in Shale Oil Reservoir hydraulic and natural fractures function as flow paths that carry gas injected into the formation and reservoir fluid entry into the wellbore. Therefore, while modeling gas injection in shales, hydraulic fracturing must be considered.
CO2 injection was performed by fracture-to-fracture method and based on one well. This well is a horizontal well and it contains natural fractures and hydraulic fractures as a way of entering the reservoir fluid into the wellbore. Initially, the simulation was carried out without injection at all but still with hydraulic fracturing operations. The process of entering reservoir fluid into the well is that the reservoir fluid enters the natural fracture first, then goes to the hydraulic fracture and then enters the wellbore, so the existence of this hydraulic fracture is very influential because it acts as a way of entering the reservoir fluid from the reservoir to the wellbore. reservoir with low permeability characteristics. Then, the results of the reservoir fluid which has been operated with the fracture-to-fracture CO2 method have been entered, the characteristics and production performance can be analyzed.
With this method, the production of the well are increased and can be seen from the oil production in the well after CO2 fracture-to-fracture flooding is carried out. The effect of reservoir properties and injection conditions to improve oil recovery can be investigated by changing the injection pressure, reservoir heterogeneity, natural fracture distribution, distance from hydraulic fractures, pore space size, and injection gas composition. Most of these aspects affect oil recovery significantly. Therefore, increasing oil recovery can result in optimal production with mixed gas injection such as mixed CO2 gas injection, hydrocarbon gas injection, and etc.