digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Suharsiyah

Several integrity malfunctions may arise when a well commences production. This malfunction can create deviations from the expected annular pressure behavior indicating the presence of Sustained Casing Pressure (SCP). Hence, a pressure threshold applied in the annulus should be established, referred to as the Maximum Allowable Wellhead Operating Pressure (MAWOP). This study performs MAWOP value determination for 43 wells in S Field by using machine learning application, validated by ISO Technical Specification 16530-1 (2017) Method. Out of 43 wells data, 31 wells data will be used in the training phase and 12 data in the validation phase. The machine learning model used is predictive modeling as it enables the operator to develop a model using historical data to make a prediction on the new unanswered data. The validation result for A-annulus, B-annulus, and C-annulus shows a strong resemblance proved by the precision index (R-value and R^2 value). By using this approved model, MAWOP prediction of three new sample data with and without smoothing action is performed. Furthermore, to test the extent of this machine learning capability, the input data for prediction purposes is decreased to 75%, 63%, 50%, and lastly 25%. The study’s findings will show that though some data has been diminished, the machine learning is presumed to have completed its purpose as it is still able to grasp the limited input and produce good results.