digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Terbatas Suharsiyah

Reducing global greenhouse gas emissions is a crucial issue for modern human civilization and preventing climate change. The long-chain impact of climate change, in the end, will affect every aspect of life equally. Part of the solution to this challenge is the long-term storage of CO2 or CO2 sequestration. CO2 sequstration can also be called carbon capture storage or CCS. CCS provides a mechanism for decarbonizing both existing power supply and reducing emissions from industry. There are three essential steps: capture, transport, and storage. This study will focus on CO2 storage in saline aquifer. This study uses several aspects, namely hysteresis and chemical reactions. Hysteresis is used due to gas injection. The chemical reaction is used because the saline aquifer contains NaCl. So, CO2 reacts with NaCl to produce sodium carbonate salt. The product of this reaction does not achieve mineralization because the salt is easily soluble in water. This study analyzes the trapping mechanisms: structural trapping, residual trapping, and solubility trapping. This study applies a geomechanics model for the CCS safety factor to prevent rock failure and limit the simulation when CO2 leaks into the caprock. The simulation used in this CCS is tNavigator. Usually, the wells in CCS projects are injection only. It makes the reservoir pressure always increase and reach the BHP constraint faster, which will make the gas injection rate not constant. So, there is a need for maintenance pressure. One way is to add production well. In this study, the production well will produce water to lower the reservoir pressure and provide space for CO2 injection. This water production must be reused so as not to pollute the environment by re-injecting water. To minimize water on surface, this study applies a water alternating gas (WAG) to inject some water into the reservoir and increases the solubility trapping.