digilib@itb.ac.id +62 812 2508 8800

Research area is located in South Malabar and the surrounding, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency, West Java Province which lies in UTM Zone 48S 786000 – 794000 mE and 9202500 -9208000 mN. This research aims to perform detailed geological mapping in scale of 1:12.500 as well as identifying the volcanostratigraphy in research area. Geomorphological units of research area are divided into Upper Volcano Unit (V4), Middle Volcano Unit (V5), Footslope Volcano Unit (V6), and Intervolcanic plains (V12). Volcanostratigraphy in research area divided into 8 Units:Pangalengan Breccia-tuff Unit (Pj1) part of Pangalengan Khuluk; Mt. Wayang Breccia Unit (Wa1) part of Mt. Wayang Khuluk; Mt. Malabar Breccia-tuff Unit (Mlh1), Mt. Malabar Basaltic Lava Unit (Ml2), and Mt. Malabar Breccia Unit (Ma3) part of Mt. Malabar Khuluk; Mt. Gambung Breccia Unit (Ga1) and Mt. Gambung Dasitic lava Unit (Gl2) part of Mt. Gambung Khuluk; and Bedil Andesitic lava Unit (Bl1) part of Mt. Bedil Khuluk. Geological Structures in research area are divided into strike-slip faults. This strike-slipe faults divided into Rancamanyar and Cibitung sinistral strike-slip faults relatively trending NE-SW,Gambung and Pejaten dextral strike-slip faults relatively trending NW-SE, and sector collapse Wayang.Volcano evolution in research area start with eruption of Mt. Pangalengan, then eruption Mt. Wayang, Mt. Malabar, Mt. Gambung, and Mt. Bedil. This magmaevolution in there volcano affected by differentiation, magma assimilation, and magma mixing.